All posts by Carrie Clemens

Thanksgiving Baskets – Quick Response Needed

If your family would like to assemble a Thanksgiving box for a St Vincent de Paul client, please fill a decorated box or laundry basket for a family of 5.  Items requested:  Boxed stuffing, instant potatoes, gravy mix, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, rice, bag of flour, sugar and cards or well wishes.

We ask that if you are able, please include a $25 gift card for meat and perishables, and attach it securely to basket. Fresh baked pumpkin pies will be provided by Girl Scout Troop #16372.

Please follow the link to sign-up genius  If you know of anyone who would like to receive a basket, or have questions, email, THANK YOU!

Poinsettia Sale

The Council of Catholic Women are selling beautiful poinsettias.  They will be in the narthex after Mass November 5 & 6 and November 12 & 13 to take orders.  You may also order online.  The last date to order is November 16.  The poinsettias will be here December 3, between 9 and 10 am. This fundraiser supports the charitable giving of St. Mary Magdalene CCW.

To order online, go to this link to our sale order form: or use this QR code.