All posts by Carrie Clemens

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”
  –   Matthew 22:21

Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God.  We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us.  All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us.   This is the essence of Stewardship.   God should be our first priority in everything.  All else comes second, especially our money.

Respect Life – Pope Benedict's Prayer for the Unborn

Pope Benedict’s Prayer For the Unborn

Lord Jesus,
 You who faithfully visit and fulfill with your Presence
 the Church and the history of men;
 You who in the miraculous Sacrament of your Body and Blood
 render us participants in divine Life
 and allow us a foretaste of the joy of eternal Life;
 We adore and bless you.

Prostrated before You, source and lover of Life,
 truly present and alive among us, we beg you.

Reawaken in us respect for every unborn life,
 make us capable of seeing in the fruit of the maternal womb
 the miraculous work of the Creator,
 open our hearts to generously welcoming every child
 that comes into life.

Bless all families,
 sanctify the union of spouses,
 render fruitful their love.

Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies
 with the light of your Spirit,
 so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect
 the sacred nature of life, of every human life.

Guide the work of scientists and doctors,
 so that all progress contributes to the integral well-being of the person,
 and no one endures suppression or injustice.

Give creative charity to administrators and economists,
 so they may realize and promote sufficient conditions
 so that young families can serenely embrace
 the birth of new children.

Console the married couples who suffer
 because they are unable to have children
 and in Your goodness provide for them.

Teach us all to care for orphaned or abandoned children,
 so they may experience the warmth of your Charity,
 the consolation of your divine Heart.

Together with Mary, Your Mother, the great believer,
 in whose womb you took on our human nature,
 we wait to receive from You, our Only True Good and Savior,
 the strength to love and serve life,
 in anticipation of living forever in You,
 in communion with the Blessed Trinity.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home Fundraiser

Parishes of the Archdiocese of Atlanta typically support Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home in October each year through their famous raffle and auction/luncheon. This year the raffle and luncheon have been cancelled. The Home, run by the Hawthorne Dominican Sisters, still welcomes patients and gives a loving and understanding atmosphere for many suffering from cancer who have no resources for nursing care. From their website, “In the words of Mother Alphonsa: We must make our guests as comfortable and happy as if their own people had kept them and put them into the very best bedroom. We must love them.” 

The Council of Catholic Women invites you to hear Barbara Ginn, President of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home Auxiliary, on Zoom on Thursday, October 22, at 7pm, and to donate to OLPH using the button below.  The first 10 people to donate using the form will have an exclusive door prize delivered to their door with our thanks.

Login details are below:

Stewardship Reflection For this Sunday

“My God will supply whatever you need…” – Philippians 4:19

God really does provide for those who are grateful and generous.   This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe.  People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence.   If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time in prayer, talent in charitable works and treasure and see how God provides for your needs.

All Souls Day Remembrance

All Souls’ Day, November 2, is an opportunity to remember all our brothers and sisters in the human family who have died.  We will remember our loved ones at the Masses from November 2 to November 6.

Please click here  to complete your prayer request.