All posts by Carrie Clemens

Response to the Governor’s Executive Order

Pursuant to Governor Kemp’s Executive Order to Ensure a Safe & Healthy Georgia, our Parish Offices and Church will be closed until at least Monday, April 13.  Our staff is working remotely; you may call us at 770-253-1888 or email us at during our usual business hours:  Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3pm.

Please stay in touch with us through our website, and watch Sunday Mass online on our SMM Catholic YouTube Channel.  As the days go by with forced isolation, St. Mary Magdalene will be providing more opportunities for parishioners to stay in touch electronically, while respecting all physical separation requirements.

Fr. Terry will be providing a recorded Mass available the morning of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, as well as the following Sundays until we can once again gather as a community.  He asks that, for the Sacred Triduum: Holy Thursday Mass, the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, please join in union with the bishops of the Archdiocese streaming live at

Know that we are praying for you, and especially for all those directly affected by the COVID-19 virus. May there be a speedy end to this pandemic, and may we all grow spiritually from the sacrifices we have made.

Holy Week Liturgies

Please use this link: to watch the bishops of the Archdiocese of Atlanta celebrate the liturgies of the Sacred Triduum at the Cathedral of Christ the King.   The Easter Vigil will be celebrated on Saturday, April 11, at 8 pm.  There are other resources available on this page to assist you in prayerfully celebrating Holy Week and Easter in your homes.

Fr. Terry will be celebrating Palm Sunday Mass and Easter Sunday Masses privately, but they will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel on each of the Sunday mornings.

Fr. Terry on the Corona Virus

My Dear Parishioners and all People of Good Will,

In these uncertain times, we are all struggling with what the future holds, and the normal means by which we deal with those struggles seem to be taken away from us.  As your pastor, I have a responsibility to provide you with comfort and spiritual guidance.

Because we cannot gather as a community to share, we have to find other ways of sharing our fears, anxieties, joys, and accomplishments.

I realize the announcements of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the State of Georgia place a burden on all of us who wish to come together to share the Word of God and the Body of Christ as we usually do as a parish community.  For example, it was a difficult decision to keep the church building closed on the weekends, but the chances of large crowds coming on the weekend is much higher than during the week and we are trying to honor the directives of the government and the church to keep people safe.

Fear can be a powerful, debilitating force, especially when those who should provide solutions and understanding, like journalists and government leaders, tend to amplify our fears, rather than helping us deal with them calmly and rationally.  Let us, then, help each other by reaching out to friends and neighbors and by reassuring each other that we are here, together in spirit, if not in body.

Thankfully, in this century, we are able to communicate and pray with one another through video and audio technology.  Many friends and organizations are setting up times to pray together online or on apps.  We are not allowed to live broadcast parish Masses, because if people knew where and when Mass was being recorded, the temptation to go to church and congregate would defeat the purpose of cancelling public Masses.  If you have a suggestion of gathering the faithful to a “virtual” prayer or support meeting, please let us know at

As we continue with this enforced distance from the sacraments, parishioners are inspiring me to find new and creative ways of gathering the faithful, not physically, but electronically, in addition to the options already available through our website and the archdiocesan website,

I think it was part of God’s plan that this pandemic occurred during Lent, because we can truly commune with Christ “in the desert.”  We really are experiencing the retreat of Lent, not only from daily life and routine, but also from the comfort and certainties of life as usual.

To help preserve a little bit of stability, I will be providing the Scripture readings for Sunday and a short homily in the Homilies tab on our website each week.

Fr. Terry Crone