All posts by Carrie Clemens

Angel Tree

St. Mary Magdalene youth ministry, in collaboration with St. Vincent DePaul, will have the Angel Tree on display in the narthex beginning this weekend, November 25-26.  Please consider helping a family or disabled adult.  Wrapped gifts, with tags attached, are due back by Sunday, December 10.  Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.


CCW Chat – Special Thanks & Save the Date…December 12

Thank you to all the CCW members who helped to make our Pumpkin Pie Bake such a success.  What an amazing turnout we had to support our local community!  From our donations to our time, we were able to successfully accomplish our goal of baking 34 pumpkin pies and making 30 dry soup jars for St. Vincent de Paul.  These items will be distributed to their clients most in need during November and for their Thanksgiving meal.  We had wonderful conversations to pass the time while working and missed our Sisters who could not be with us. 

We look forward to our next service project, which will occur during our December General Meeting, on December 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  We will have Cynthia Bennett, from Meals on Wheels, as our guest speaker and you’ll have an opportunity to participate in a service project for their clients during our meeting.  We will also celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and enjoy a light Mexican themed meal.  This meeting will be similar to our Welcome Back Luncheon, so please keep this date reserved, look for our reminders in the newsletter and bulletin, and spread the word to all your lady friends and family.

Pray for Vocation – Elijah Cup

  • The Elijah Cup program is a way for families to actively participate in praying for vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate, and Religious Life. The chalice we use symbolizes the Sacraments and prayer that these vocations support.  Each participating family will take the chalice home, put it in a conspicuous place of honor, and pray each day for vocations.  As our parish prays for vocations in the world, our own vocations will be strengthened, and our children will better understand their role as a Catholic person in whatever vocation they eventually choose, even if it’s the marriage or single vocations.  To sign up for the Elijah Cup,  click on the following link or QR code:


CCW Pointsettia Sale – Deadline November 9

St. Mary Magdalene Council of Catholic Women are again offering a poinsettia flower sale!  We are excited that this year we will have an opportunity to offer 5 different colors of the poinsettia plant.  We will be selling the plants in the Narthex on November 4 & 5 after all Masses.  We are offering 6-inch pots for $15.00, and 8-inch pots for $30.00.  You can use the following link: :, or scan the QR code to take you to the order form.  There are paper forms in the ministry closet CCW slot that can be filled out and taken to the church office with payment.  Deadline to order will be November 9, 2023.  Plant pick up will be posted after that date, as the greenhouse will be giving us the date after the order is sent in.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cheri Hooper at or call/text 817-991-2415.