All posts by Carrie Clemens

All Souls Day Spiritual Bouquet

We will remember our loved ones at the weekday Masses, Thursday, November 2—Wednesday, November 8. Prayer request(s) can be submitted in different ways:


* Email the names of departed loved ones to, (please put: All Souls
Day in  the subject line)

* Use your All Souls Day Remembrance envelope or write the names of the departed on a piece
of paper and drop it in the collection basket at Mass. 

If you do not have an All  Souls Day Remembrance envelope, you may get one from the Narthex.  All loved one requests will be placed on the altar and lifted up in prayer during that week. 

KOC 17th Charity Golf Tournament – October 13

Your Knights’ annual golf tournament is happening on Friday, October 13, and we need YOUR support.  In the 17 years the council has hosted this tournament, it has raised (with the help from some tremendous sponsors like YOU) over $175,000 for local and statewide charities such as: Abby’s Angels, Coweta and Fayette County Meals on Wheels, Bridging the Gap, One Roof, Coweta Pregnancy Service, Special Olympics, St. Vincent DePaul, Midwest Food Bank, Coweta Samaritan Clinic, and more!

With the economic hardships so many of God’s people now face, the need to support these agencies is greater than ever before.  So, whether you are a scratch golfer looking for prizes, a bad golfer looking to bid on a Falcons and UGA helmet, or a blessed person who would like to help us bring some of God’s light to the world (as a donor, First Responder sponsor, or hole sponsor), WE NEED YOU!  There will also be a raffle for LOTS of prizes and a silent auction for an AMAZING Chattanooga getaway and much more!  Hole sponsors and major donors will be recognized with signs on the course for all participants to see.  If you can help, please
contact Tournament Chairman, Chuck Clayton (info below).  Mark your calendars NOW, and we’ll see you there!  Please contact Tournament Chairman, Chuck Clayton, at 470.430.8293 or OR Ken Kula at 770.317.1581 for more information.

When: October 13 – Registration begins at 8 am with a Shotgun Start at 10 am. 
You may also register now at

Where: The beautiful Summer Grove Golf Club in Newnan


Senior Potluck Dinner – October 7

55+ Seniors from St. Mary Magdalene are invited to a potluck dinner. We will gather on the first Saturday of each month following the 5 pm Mass. Bring your ideas for events, ideas to grow our community, and your favorite dish from Costco or a local restaurant.  MOST importantly bring your laughter! October 7  is the first dinner!  For more information, please contact Gayle Pizzitola at 770.599.3777 (land line), 770.490.9494 (cell), or Kathy Kelly-Huey at .  To RSVP, please go to:!/showSignUp/70A0D49A5AF2EA4FE3-44485937-smmsenior/20716687  


Parish Mission – October 15, 16 & 17

SMM is hosting a parish mission on October 15, 16 and 17 with  Fr. Ron Hoye, C.M.  presenting.  The theme of the mission is “Ignite Your Faith”…a series of talks intended to affirm the Catholic character of the individual and group while at the same time raising the process of conversion to which each faithful member is called.  Come join the
spiritual gathering of story, prayers and scriptures you don’t want to miss.  For those attending the mission, there will be a free will offering on the last night.  


SMM Annual Picnic – September 30

All parishioners are invited to our Annual Parish Picnic on Saturday, September 30, from 6-9 pm, after the 5 pm Mass.  Enjoy food, fun activities, and a bonfire with s’mores.  Hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, water, and lemonade will be provided by the Parish.  All families are asked to bring a potluck dish to share and folding chairs to sit around the bonfire.  Easels will be in the narthex during the weekend of 9/23-24 to sign up to attend.  You can also sign up using the following link:  We hope to see you there.


VIRTUS Training – September 25 & October 14

VIRTUS Training is required by the Archdiocese of Atlanta for St. Mary Magdalene
volunteers.  It is a three hour in-person class.   If you are interested in volunteering or are a new volunteer who missed the training in August, our next training classes will be on Monday, September 25 (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) and Saturday, October 14 (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm).  Please register for one of these classes at