Category Archives: Flocknote

Livestream of Noon Mass for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 6, 2021, with First Communion

“Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it.”  – MARK 14:23

Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself up for us, completely for our salvation.  He offers us the same chance to drink from His cup.  In the bread and wine, we meet Christ personally.  If we follow Him, drinking from His cup means our own self-sacrifice, using all of our gifts for the benefit of others and to do His work on earth.

Livestream of our 9 am Mass to celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 6, 2021, with First Communion

“Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it.”  – MARK 14:23

Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself up for us, completely for our salvation.  He offers us the same chance to drink from His cup.  In the bread and wine, we meet Christ personally.  If we follow Him, drinking from His cup means our own self-sacrifice, using all of our gifts for the benefit of others and to do His work on earth.

Livestream of Vigil Mass for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 5, 2021, at 5pm, with First Communion.

“Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it.”  – MARK 14:23

Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself up for us, completely for our salvation.  He offers us the same chance to drink from His cup.  In the bread and wine, we meet Christ personally.  If we follow Him, drinking from His cup means our own self-sacrifice, using all of our gifts for the benefit of others and to do His work on earth.

Livestream of Vigil Mass for The Most Holy Trinity, May 29, 2021, at 5pm

“The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” – ROMANS 8:16-17

If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom?  Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time in prayer, our talent in charitable works and our treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us?  Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God.  Do we treat it that way?

Livestream of Vigil Mass for Pentecost Sunday, May 22, 2021, at 5pm

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.”                              – 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6

 All of us are blessed, regardless of our own individual circumstances.  God has given each of us many gifts.  How we use those gifts is our gift back to God.  For God’s plan to work, each must do what we are called to do.  Guess what?  We are not all called to do the same thing!  For God’s plan to work you have to do what God is calling you to do and I have to do what God is calling me to do.

Livestream of Vigil Mass for the Ascension of the Lord, May 15, 2021, at 5pm

“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.”  – 1 JOHN 4:15

 How strong is your faith?  When you have an opportunity to either defend or clarify a question about our Catholic faith, do you do it?  Or, do you remain silent so that others don’t think you are weird?  Pray for the courage to be strong in all circumstances and to joyfully share your witness with others.

Livestream of Vigil Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 8, 2021, at 5pm

“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.  No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”    – JOHN 15:12-13

Do you love Jesus?  Do you consider Him your friend?  Jesus says that if we love Him we would be willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want praise and glory, but simply because we love Him.  Does your giving seem mechanical out of obligation or do you share freely out of love?

Would you like to serve on the Pastoral Council ?

The Pastoral Council will begin a new term in June of this year and is seeking volunteers to serve. An advisory body that supports Father Terry and the spiritual growth of the parish, we help develop and guide the Parish Vision to promote the Kingdom of God at St. Mary Magdalene.

Time Commitment: The Pastoral Council meets once per month on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Father Terry will make final appointments and outgoing PC members will attend the first two meetings (June and July) with new members.  Please prayerfully consider serving and if interested, contact:

Patti Kani



Charles Henderson


Livestream of Vigil Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 1, 2021, at 5pm

“Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.”   –  1 JOHN 3:18

Regarding our Catholic faith, do you “walk the talk?”  Do your actions reflect what it means to be a good disciple?  Are you an active participant at Sunday Mass?  Are you joyful when participating in parish ministry?  Do you give gratefully and generously with your financial support to your parish and other Church needs?  If not, it’s not too late to start!