Category Archives: Flocknote

Mass Cancellations

There are numerous Masses in the area that are available for you to attend. 

St. George in Newnan is offering the following Masses:

Christmas Eve:  2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm

Christmas Day: 9am & 11am (Spanish)

Solemnity of Mary:

December 31:  5pm

January 1: 9am, 11am (Spanish)

Holy Trinity in Peachtree City is offering the following Masses:

Christmas Eve: 4pm, 6:30pm, 9pm and 11pm

Christmas Day:  8:45am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, 1:45pm

Solemnity of Mary:

January 1:  9am

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28

After Jesus, we look to Mary as an ideal steward.  Her entire life was lived in obedience to God’s call.  Mary teaches us to live with joy for all we have been given.  Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Mary reflects the light of Christ.  Like Mary, we are called to reflect Christ’s light to the world through our gratitude and generosity.

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus  for you” – 1 thessalonians 5:16 – 18

This scripture reading sums up Stewardship.  “Rejoice always” means place your trust in God; He will provide all that you need.   “Pray constantly” means prayer should be a running conversation with God throughout the whole day, every day.   “Give thanks in all circumstances” means even in bad situations, thank God.  Suffering a little bit helps build empathy for others in similar situations and shows our dependence on God.

Please join us for Advent Day of Reflection – Dec 12

You are invited to an Advent Morning of Reflection, facilitated by Sarah Otto from Ignatius House, on December 12th from 10 – 11:30 AM
in the Saint Mary Magdalene’s Sanctuary.

The title of her talk is 

Encountering God, Encountering Joy: An Advent Morning of Reflection.

Both men and women are welcome!
The program is targeted to teens through adults.

We will be following mass guidelines, so please wear a mask.

Attached are 3 handouts for use during and after the retreat.   

A livestream link is below for those unable to meet in person. You may also use this link if you are unable to watch live

Please join us!

SMM Council of Catholic Women

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Prepare the way of the Lord…” – MARK 1:3

We are all called to live a holy life.  We are all called to invite others to live holy lives.  Living a stewardship lifestyle, being grateful and generous with our gifts, puts us on the path to holiness and is an example for others to be holy, too.   We are responsible not only for our own lives, but for the lives of others as well.