Video: FOURTH WEEK OF LENT INCREASING DISASTERS, INCREASING RESILIENCE Located in Southeast Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia has beautiful beaches, diverse cultures and the…
Category Archives: Flocknote
Please Support Catholic Relief Services – Rice Bowl 2024
FIFTH WEEK OF LENT EMBODYING THE LOVE OF CHRIST BY CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER Reflect on your Lenten journey thus far: What have you learned from our global family members in Uganda, El Salvador and Indonesia? How does the Eucharist…
Palm Sunday – Catholic Relief Services – Rice Bowl 2024
PALM SUNDAY MODERN DAY SIMON OF CYRENE Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As we walk with Jesus this week, we remember the countless women, children and men who carry heavy crosses even today: crosses of hunger, of…
Easter Sunday – Catholic Relief Services – Rice Bowl 2024
HAPPY EASTER! As our CRS Rice Bowl journey comes to an end, may the Eucharist continue to transform our lives and help us respond to God’s call to serve our global family. Let us commit to sharing the joy of the Resurrection…
Eucharistic Revival
All members of the Church—ordained ministers and the faithful—enter into and should be formed by the Liturgy. “We are required every day to rediscover the beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration” (Desiderio…
No Confession – Saturday, April 13
There will be no confession this Saturday, April 13, 2024.
Adoration Cancelled
Adoration is CANCELLED today…Thursday, May 9.
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
Welcome, pray and celebrate Mass with the pilgrims of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in their first official stop in the Archdiocese of Atlanta! St. Mary Magdalene was the first to witness to our resurrected Lord, and how…
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
Father Terry and the National Eucharistic Revival would like to welcome you and all pilgrims to the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as it makes its first stop in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Welcome, pray and celebrate Mass with…
Masses as scheduled Jan 11-12, 2025 – dispensation for those who cannot safely attend
A message from Fr. Terry: I (Fr. Terry) will celebrate all regularly scheduled Masses this weekend, Jan 11-12, 2025. If a parishioner cannot make their way safely to church, those parishioners are dispensed by Archbishop…