Category Archives: Flocknote

Dispensation from Sunday Mass Extended Until Further Notice

Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv. announced on September 25, 2020, that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for persons with health reasons or concerns remains in effect for all in the Archdiocese until further notice. Because of this, those wishing to participate in Mass and receive Holy Communion can do so by attending any Mass any day of the week. The obligation to keep a holy Sabbath remains, and Catholics are reminded that, even while homebound, they are to devote themselves to, among other practices, personal prayer, meditation on the readings from the Sunday Mass and the making of a spiritual Communion.  While those who are at high risk or who care for someone at risk can and should stay home and participate in an online or televised liturgy, Archbishop Hartmayer encourages those who are healthy and are not burdened with the fear of being exposed to the virus to begin returning to Mass and receive the grace of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Watching the celebration of the Mass on the computer or TV cannot become a substitute for receiving the sacraments.

Persons are encouraged to take their temperature before leaving home and to avoid coming to church if the temperature is 99.6 or greater.

Anyone who is not feeling well should remain at home, out of concern for others. Those who are at risk or who care for those at risk and those who are concerned that they or their family might become sick should stay at home and view broadcast or online Masses.

To read more please visit:

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Do nothing out of selfishness; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves…” (Philippians 2:3)

Pride and ego are hard things to control. We see how others act or dress and think we are superior to them. We idolize our own self-image. But, if we truly believe everything is a gift from God, we recognize all the people that God has put into our lives as gifts! We are grateful for how they enrich our lives. Pray every day for the people in your life: your family, your friends, and those who make you angry.

Prayer Service for Peace

Please join us tomorrow at Noon! The prayer service will include the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, so bring your favorite rosary with you! If you cannot attend, please spend some time in prayer for healing and peace in our nation and in the world.  -Fr. Terry

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“So the last will be first and the first last.” (Matthew 20:16)

You’ve heard the saying “It’s not where you start, but how you finish.” This certainly applies to this Bible passage. We have a responsibility not only for our own lives, but for the lives of others as well. We are called to generously share our gifts with others, not hoard them for our own use. Our sincere gratitude and cheerful generosity will help us live “God-centered” lives and not “self-centered” lives.

National Day of Prayer and Fasting – Thursday, Sept.24

The apostolate Acts XXIX has put together resources for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Thursday, Sept. 24. The goals of this day are mercy and healing for our country as well as the conversion of our own hearts.  

To learn more about the day please visit:  or read their press release about the effort visit  

AM 1160, The Quest, Atlanta Catholic Radio

AM 1160, The Quest Atlanta Catholic Radio to feature local guests October 6-8, 2020, during live broadcasting! 

Please tune in October 6-8, 2020, from 9 am – 1 pm and 4 pm -6 pm to help financially support your Atlanta Catholic radio station. During the pledge drive, we will break from our regular programming and feature local hosts and guests including priests and ministry leaders from the Archdiocese of Atlanta to discuss their personal faith journeys, missions, and unique experiences while raising much needed funds. For a complete schedule of speakers, please visit
You can listen on your radio at AM 1160 during daylight hours or 24/7 online at, on your smart speaker, or via The Quest Atlanta App. 

To learn more about The Quest, click on the link to view our newest video.