Category Archives: Flocknote

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)

This is the essence of stewardship – everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts that God has given us, especially our very own lives.  Pray to God daily and ask Him how He is calling you to live the life that He intended for you.

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“You, son of man, i have appointed watchman for the house of Israel…” (Ezekiel 33:7)

Many of us are generous with our gifts. However, many of us are not generous in proportion to the gifts we have been given. How often do we give at the minimum level required? Remember, the Lord calls us to nurture and develop our gifts. He calls us to be generous with all the gifts He has given us, especially the one that means the most to us.

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Matthew 16:26)
St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Remember, you are what you are in the eyes of God, and nothing else.” We often forget this stewardship wisdom when we spend all of our time, talent, and treasure to gain more of the world’s riches. We need to set our priorities based on God’s values and not the values of the material world.

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration will resume at St. Mary Magdalene on Thursday, September 3, from 4 pm to 7 pm.  All parishioners are welcomed to attend.

What is Eucharistic Adoration?  Eucharistic Adoration is the act of worshiping God as he is present in the consecrated Eucharist. The devotion begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  The sacred host is removed from the Tabernacle and placed on the altar for Adoration. This is time for silent prayer and adoration.  You may simply drop by during these hours for personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.  This prayerful service is offered every Thursday from 4 pm util 7 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Nikki Walick at 404.644.4248 or at

Sent by Gosha Schultheis on Thursday, August 27 at 11:57AM

Sunday Mass dispensation extended through September 28, 2020

Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., announced Aug. 25 that the suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been extended until Monday, Sept. 28 in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The suspension will be reviewed again at the end of September.

The archbishop encourages those who are healthy and not burdened with the fear of being exposed to the virus to return to Mass and receive the grace of the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist.

“Watching the celebration of the Mass on the computer or TV cannot become a substitute for receiving the sacraments,” said Archbishop Hartmayer. “When ill or in a vulnerable category for being infected or infecting others, the sick person should always remain at home. This pandemic should not make us lazy regarding our spiritual life. Our children are back in school and many people have returned to work outside the home. We still need to be extremely cautious and practice proper protocol. I suspect more of us can return to Sunday or weekday Mass than are currently attending. I am grateful to all our priests and lay faithful for making it possible and safe to attend Mass. I appreciate the patience of our people during this unprecedented time. Please continue to be safe.”

The current dispensation was set to expire the last Sunday of August.

Stewardship Reflection for this Sunday

“Or who has given the Lord anything that he may be repaid?” (Romans 11:35)
St. Paul reminds us of a central fact of stewardship. We cannot give the Lord anything – God already owns it all.  God made everything. All we can do is return a portion of God’s many gifts back to Him. Sincere gratitude for our gifts opens our hearts to joyful generosity! Through your generous sharing, you just may be the answer to someone’s prayer.