Category Archives: News

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Flocknote allows you to control what types of announcements you get from us and how you are notified when we make them. Like sending “notes” to your “flock”.

This is all totally free for you to use and it’s going to also make it easy for you to stay plugged in to the ministries or groups that you care about, all by text message or email updates. Your information will be completely safe and secure. And you can unsubscribe from any updates at any time!

Flocknote is very simple and you can join in by:

texting: SMMCC3, to 84576,

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Once you send that in, Flocknote will send you back a confirmation message and another message asking you to click a link to complete the process, make sure you click that link and complete the process. As a part of this process, it will ask you what groups or ministries you’d like to get updates from.

This is a great opportunity for you to get plugged in to the many wonderful things we have going at Saint Mary Magdalene. If you’re having trouble, please contact us at the office and we will be happy to help you!  This is really going to simplify communication and increase engagement here in our community.

Madgalenas I – a special treat named after St. Mary Magdalene

Catholic Recipe
The Spanish are known for their special devotion to the Passion and sorrows of Christ, Our Lady and Mary Magdalene, so it’s not surprising they have a special treat named after St. Mary Magdalene.

These are traditional Spanish cupcakes or muffins, often served at breakfast. The recipe may have French origins as the Madeleines, since the original shell-shape is similar. The cakes/muffins were originally made by Poor Clares of Santa Ana convent in Oñati in the Basque Country, but now versions of these are sold in almost every bakery.This version has conventional ingredients. The original version (Magdalenas II) uses olive oil.

Magdalenas I
Also Called: Spanish Cupcakes
4 eggs

1 cup of granulated sugar
4 oz. butter (unsalted)
1 cup white flour
1 tbsp baking powder
Zest of 1 lemon
1 tbsp milk
A few drops of vanilla (optional)

Prep Time: N/A
Difficulty:  ★☆☆☆
Cost:  ★☆☆☆
Origin: Spain

Pre-heat the oven to 375°F.

Measure out 1/4 cup of sugar and put aside in a bowl.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs and then add to the rest of the sugar (3/4 cup) until you have a light mixture.
In a small sauce pan, melt the stick of butter over a medium flame. Slowly add the melted butter to the egg and sugar mixture, stirring at the same time. Mix thoroughly.
Stir in the milk and the zest of the lemon (and optional vanilla).

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients, flour and baking powder to it. Mix thoroughly.

Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture gradually, constantly stirring. Mix well until you have a thick batter.
Place cupcake liner papers into a cupcake oven tray. Use a large spoon to spoon the mixture into the liners, filling each to about half way. Do not overfill as the mixture normally doubles in size once cooked. Sprinkle each cake with a bit of the left over sugar.
Place the tray in the middle of the preheated oven for around 18-20 minutes, until the magdalenas are cooked and have a golden hue.

Once cooked, remove the cakes from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool.

When the cakes are cooled, serve and enjoy!

Recipes from Various Websites (


Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, July 22

Let’s pray The Litany of St. Mary Magdalene

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us.
Saint Mary Magdalene, Pray for us.
Sister of Martha and Lazarus, Pray for us.
Who didst enter the Pharisee’s house to anoint the feet of Jesus, Pray for us.
Who didst wash His feet with thy tears, Pray for us.
Who didst dry them with thy hair, Pray for us.
Who didst cover them with kisses, Pray for us.
Who wast vindicated by Jesus before the proud Pharisee, Pray for us.
Who from Jesus received the pardon of thy sins, Pray for us.
Who before darkness wast restored to light, Pray for us.
Mirror of penance, R Disciple of Our Lord, Pray for us.
Wounded with the love of Christ, Pray for us.
Most dear to the Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Constant woman, Pray for us.
Last at the Cross of Jesus, first at His tomb, Pray for us.
Thou who wast the first to see Jesus risen, Pray for us.
Whose forehead was sanctified by the touch of thy risen Master, Pray for us.
Apostle of apostles, Pray for us.
Who didst choose the “better part,” Pray for us.
Who lived for many years in solitude being miraculously fed, Pray for us.
Who wast visited by angels seven times a day, Pray for us.
Sweet advocate of sinners, Pray for us.
Spouse of the King of Glory, Pray for us.

V. Saint Mary Magdalene, earnestly intercede for us with thy Divine Master
R. That we may share thy happiness in heaven.

Let us pray.

May the glorious merits of blessed Mary Magdalene, we beseech Thee, O Lord, make our offerings acceptable to Thee: for Thine only-begotten Son vouchsafed graciously to accept the humble service she rendered. Who livest and reignest with Thee and the Holy Ghost, God for ever and ever. R. Amen.

May the prayers of blessed Mary Magdalene help us, O Lord : for it was in answer to them that Thou didst call her brother Lazarus, four days after death, back from the grave to life. Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Unity in Trinity, world without end. R. Amen.

 Prayer Source: Kyrie Eleison — Two Hundred Litanies by Benjamin Francis Musser O.F.M., The Magnificat Press, 1944

Second Collection: Mission Cooperative Program

This year several missionaries, religious orders and (arch)dioceses have been chosen from over 150 applications to take part in this program.  Last year, each of the participants received over $22,000 thanks to your generosity.
Thank you for your generosity last year and please prayerfully consider your response this year.

Through our second collection this weekend, we participate in the Mission Cooperative Program of the archdiocese.  Several different mission organizations, religious orders and financially struggling (arch)dioceses will directly benefit from your generosity.  Thank you for your charitable response last year and please give generously in today’s collection.