2025-2026 Preschool Registration Information

For information on the Registration Process, please contact Gina DeGennaro, Preschool Director, at 678-854-9990, or by email at gdegennaro@smmcatholic.org.

It is a requirement of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, in accordance with Georgia law, that requires children attending school to be age appropriately immunized with all the required vaccines at the time of first entry in school.  A new entrant is a child entering a school in Georgia for the first time or entering after having been absent from a Georgia school for more than 12 months or one school year. All students, regardless of grade and including foreign exchange students, must have the Georgia Department of Human Resources Form 3231 immunization certificate marked “Complete for School”, a copy of which can be found under this link:  https://www.pdffiller.com/79019060–Form-3231-revised—Georgia-Department-of-Education-.  This form must be on file with us before the first day of school.