Sacramental formation sessions are in addition to the regular formation sessions. Each child and family situation is unique. Some children are ready to receive sacraments in year two, while others not until year four or five. Focusing on family formation, at least one parent attends the session with their child. Sessions will gather on a few Saturday mornings throughout the year.
Preparation is offered to children age 7 and older. At the direction of the Archbishop, the following guidelines for First Eucharist preparation are necessary. These guidelines will help ensure thorough and appropriate preparation of your children for these Sacraments.
- Child must be baptized Catholic (certificate on file in Faith Formation office).
- Child must be registered in St. Mary Magdalene parish.
- Child must be registered in regular Faith Formation sessions (Families Forming Disciples or Discovery) or attending a parochial school program.
- Child must have been enrolled in a parish Faith Formation program or parochial school program for at least one year prior to the current year.
Contact Maureen Lilly at any time with questions.
Maureen Lilly
Elementary Coordinator